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Outstanding intelligence is another trait that combines the fish and the famous Frenchman. Fish, like Bonaparte, has quite a temperament and loves communication with people, no wonder. Caesar's is Caesar's, and God's is God's. The ancient Greeks attributed the invention of coins to the heroes of their myths, the Romans to the gods Janus or Saturn. According to their views, the earliest coins with the head of a two-faced god and the prow of a ship (rostro) were struck by Janus in honor of Saturn, the god of time, who sailed to Italy from the island of Crete in a ship. The very word "coin" in translation from Latin means "warning" or "counselor". Fish is one of the oldest symbols. Her image could be seen on ancient ceramics, in the decorative decoration of Bronze Age jewelry, and in household antiques. The fish sign is a symbol of health, and for Christians it is a symbol of faith and Jesus Christ. After all, the Greek word "fish" ("Ίχθύς") consists of the initial letters of the words of the phrase "Ἰησοὺς Χριστὸς Θεoὺ ῾Υιὸς Σωτήρ", which means: "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior".

Fish-Napoleon bronze,2023,50 W x 45H x 25 D cm

8 000,00$Price
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